There are different approaches to yoga: dynamic yoga called "Yang", which includes Hatha yoga, Vinyasa-Flow yoga and Ashtanga yoga. And a gentler form of yoga called "Yin" with Yin yoga, Nidra yoga, Restorative yoga, etc. Yin and yang yogas are complementary. In a balanced practice, the two styles are practised alternately to enjoy all the benefits of yoga.

In her yoga teaching career, Laurence has specialised in Yin forms of yoga. She is also certified in Myofascial Self-Massage, a fascia massage technique for releasing points of tension. Here's a description of these practices and find out which ones are right for you. Laurence teaches them at various locations in Geneva, in private or group classes, as well as in one-off workshops and yoga retreats organised in Switzerland and abroad.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, whatever your physical condition, the benefits of yoga are manifold and you'll find your own personal path. So don't hesitate to contact us for an introduction to yoga with Laurence, a certified teacher since 2013.


Myofascial self-massage is a physical activity that helps to relieve aches and pains, improve blood circulation, combat stiffness and relax muscles in all parts of the body. By means of massages performed with massage balls using the weight of your body, the...

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In today's society, we are often short of time, stress is part of our daily lives and we find it very difficult to take a little break. Have you ever wondered whether you really don't have enough time? Is your pace linked solely to society and the world we live in, or is it...

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For most of us these days, our daily lives are fast-paced. Work, married life, family, friends, hobbies, an overloaded schedule - it's not unusual for us to no longer even take the time to connect with ourselves and rest. And yet it's essential for our bodies, our minds and, above all, our...

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Meditation, a practice that is becoming increasingly popular, takes on its full meaning in our hyper-connected society, which no longer allows time to concentrate on our own well-being. Letting go, relaxing, calming the body and mind are concepts that are sometimes difficult to achieve because of our hectic pace of life....

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Why take a Sound Journey and what benefits will it bring? Sound Baths (or Sound Journeys) use a variety of sound techniques to promote physical, emotional and mental well-being. This approach is based on the idea that sound vibrations can resonate with the human body (particularly its liquid components, including water) and have an impact on its...

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What is Yoga Nidra? Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation that promotes deep relaxation. The stages of Yoga Nidra involve concentrating on breathing and muscle relaxation to reach an altered state of consciousness where letting go, creativity and introspection are possible. What happens...

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