Auto-massages, notamment des carrés lombaires, extrêmement utiles pour les bas des dos très sollicités par des métiers comprenant trop de temps assis; bien vu Laurence !! Auto-massages des voûtes plantaires : toujours une « découverte » de nouvelles sensations, une zone si importante et malmenée!(Automassage myofascial)
J’ai découvert le yin par hasard, il y a un peu plus de deux ans. Depuis, le cours de Laurence est devenu un rendez-vous hebdomadaire à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte : la pratique me confère bien-être physique, sérénité et m’aide à gérer les situations de stress au quotidien. J’apprécie tout particulièrement la capacité de Laurence à s’adapter à chaque participant, permettant à chacun, qu’il soit débutant ou yogi expérimenté, jeune ou moins jeune, de profiter pleinement des bienfaits de la pratique, de prendre conscience de son corps et d’en repousser les limites en douceur, sans porter de jugement. Merci Laurence d’avoir su partager ta passion, j’espère que nos chemins se croiseront à nouveau !
Wow! LOVED the Yin yoga session I’ve just been to with Laurence from AlphaBalance at the Polo Club. What a great complement to the sweatest Taba and Vinyasa sessions! We used the wall and the whole session was lying down. My whole body and mind feel light and airy now. Totally recommend it!
Great class, she was very communicative and friendly (Yin & Restorative yoga)
Perfect ! Slow motion but powerful sequence. Very precise explanations about the ways to do the different poses (Hatha yoga)
The yin balles class was excellent , I would recommend it to everybody to balance more active yoga and get to deep stretching alignment and relaxation (Yin yoga & Balles)
Great class! Nice and slow, with plenty of time to really benefit from each asana. Lots of useful props available and suggestions of how to use them, if required (note that props are optional – no need to use them if you prefer not to) (Yin & Restorative yoga)
Hi, this evening I had an amazing restorative class with Laurence. Throughout the whole class I felt as though I were practically asleep but I wasn’t. I managed to follow instructions and move into the next poses when it was required. I want to experience it again.
Lovely class and teacher. Was just what I needed at the time.
I love the instructor for your Yin yoga class (Laurence). Only wish is that she teaches more classes after work hours and at more convenient central location. The class was small and intimate which was great. Laurence explained in great details and have good knowledge of body anatomy. I think even for beginners, the class was not intimidating as Laurence tries to help and give a lot of options. Laurence has a very soothing voice which really relaxes you. The mat (very sticky so I really like it) and props are all great. Only thing is I wish there was an option to use therapy balls (hard ones) instead of soft tennis balls.